2023 Mississippi Bass Nation schedule is here.
Northern Tournament #1
May 5th and 6th Lake Sardis
Canteral Tournament #2
September 29th and 30th Ross Barnett
Southern Tournament #3 wild card
November 4th Gulfport
More information coming soon about some of the changes that were decided on by the member of the nation that were present at the meeting to help decided how we could change the nation to help it grow .
Alright State team members it that time to start getting ready for the regional tournament in Alabama. Have not heard from John Stewart on discounts from the Alliance group yet but he is giving out codes for Garmin stuff.
Step 1 be sure you have payed your $30 Bass Nation dues.
Step 2 register for the tournament and pay entry. By 03/11/2022 Alternates do not have to pay but do have to register.
Step 3 we will have jersey sheet out this week please fill out and send back to me. So when the alliance deal is signed we will be ready to order.
The team has got 10 hotel room already reserved. We will talk more about that soon.
The spring qualifier is set.
Place : lake Bogue Homa
Date : 4-1-22 to 4-2-22 Friday and Saturday
Official practice dates: 3-30-22 to 3-31-22 Wednesday and Thursday
Club Presidents Meeting will be 3-31-22 @5:45 pm
Parings meeting will be @6:30 pm on 3-3-22 at the city of Laurel Train Depot
We would like to congratulate the top 13 boaters and non boaters for making the 2021 MS. Nation state team.
We have failed to get a bid for the second chance tournament in October before the 90 days was up. We will open up bidding until 10/4/2021 for a one day event. Remember clubs can pool together , Cities , businesses ,etc. To submit a bid. If no bids are received we will fish the second chance tournament at Ross Barnett 10/16/2021. We scheduled that at the PRA meeting in May, just incase the men or high school need to have a place to fish.
There will be a presidents meeting @ 5pm at the Quality inn @ the breckfest room beside the lobby, there will be a parings meeting in front of room 212 at the Quality Inn @ 6pm on 3-11-21 everyone is required the be at the presidents meeting. If you have any questions contact your club president or Skipper Smith.
We will be fishing our spring qualifier on Lake Wheeler in Decatur Alabama. The official practice days will be March 10th and 11th and tournament days will be the 12th and 13th. You will not be allowed to gather any information from anyone that is not fishing the tournament after 11:59 p.m. on March 9th
Bids for the spring qualifier are to be submitted in writing by December 20,2020
Congratulations to Larry Carter And David Cavelle as our 2019 _2020 National Qualifiers